Friday, February 24, 2012

Banff and Buttery Brioche

Two highlights from this week, getting pumped about extreme outdoor activities at the banff film festival in Salt Lake and making brioche (whole wheat of course). For years I had heard of the epic films at the band festival and finally this year I went with Tay, Sheb and Chan. It did not disappoint, we even got our fill of environmentalist propaganda with a 40min film about the spirit bear that resides in British Columbia, right where they are proposing the construction of an pin pipeline. Needless to say, there wasn't much sympathy among the frames for the rare black bear with the recessive gene affecting his coloration effectively turning him white. After the films we stopped for a capper at Hires Big H. Their burgers are delicious, on those soft homemade buns. And I indulged in my favorite chocolate peanut butter shake. Such a positive experience.

The brioche came about upon discovering I had a decent number of eggs and getting butter for cheap. And as a result of my joy of cooking book. I love hat book, you can tell they tested the recipes and they are clearly written and I've loved the ones I've tried so far. Making it whole wheat was a veritable crap shoot, but I don't have white flour and I don't cook with it anymore. After mixing in the butter, it was looking lackluster but it eventually rose and taking them out of the oven the next day I was delighted to discover deliciously buttery brioches for my consumption. I wrapped some for Chan and packed several for Whit's lunch. I will make them better next time but it was definitely not a failure.

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